Individual, Couples and Family Counseling

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it's faced"
- James Baldwin, American Novelist

Welcome to my practice. I have over 18 years experience helping adults, older adults and couples to live a fulfilled and meaningful life.

I use an eclectic approach to psychotherapy and tailor sessions to each client. Through use of warmth, curiosity, reflection, and humor, I strive to create a collaborative and supportive environment in which my clients can explore their concerns, develop insight, and move toward positive growth.
About image
Services and Fees image
Individual Psychotherapy
Couples Counseling
Family Counseling for Adults and Older Adults

$175 initial intake session
$150 45-minute follow up session

Please contact me for information.



Grief / Loss

Caregiver Issues

Life Transitions

Family of Origin


Relationship Issues

  • 3711 Long Beach Blvd. #6045
  • Long Beach, CA 90807